Certificate Key Matcher

We don't store your Private Keys and CSR on our servers.

What to Check?

Sur Certificate Key Matcher

About Certificate Key Matcher


While dealing with a lot of different certificates you can get confused as to which certificate goes with which private key or which CSR was used to create which certificate. At times it becomes very difficult to keep track of such things. 


To help you in this kind of situation and to simplify the tracking process a tool was generated which is commonly known as Certificate Key Matcher that can help you in solving your problem in this area. This tool is very effective and convenient and provides optimum results to the users. 


In this article, we will talk about the Certificate Key Matcher tool in detail where we will discuss its meaning, features, importance, and functions in detail. We will also discuss the process of using this tool so that you can easily keep track of the certificates. But let us first know the meaning of this tool and what it does.


What is the Certificate Key Matcher?


Certificate Key Matcher is a tool that checks and provides information to the user on whether a private key matches a certificate or whether a certificate matches a certificate signing request (CSR). this tool can be very helpful and efficient when the user is dealing with a lot of certificates and keeping track of the same requires a lot of effort and time at the same time.


The Certificate Key Matcher makes the process of determining whether a private key matches or CSR matches the certificate an easier process. This tool is free of cost and can provide flexibility to the users. Within a few seconds, you will be able to know about the results as it simply compares a hash of the public key from the private key which tells whether a certificate matches with the CSR or a private key. 


There are generally two types of Certificate Key Matcher. One of them identifies the identity of a person while another one identifies the identity of an organization by matching the public key included in the certificate of the private key. The main role of the Certificate Key Matcher is to know if someone has accessed the sensitive information of a person or an organization.


This tool helps in identifying the details of that person. For example, a web server operator can have access to the private key but he does not want to give that right to the employees to have that access. With the help of Certificate Key Matcher, one can easily verify who is accessing the sensitive information and who is allowed and not allowed to do the same. 


This tool also identifies the identity of an organization. For example, a company might want to ensure that a third party is actually what it says before allowing access to them to any kind of sensitive information. In this case, the administrator will create a public or a private vendor key and then use their Certificate Key Matcher tool in order to verify that the private key matches both their expected public or private key with the actual private key provided by the vendor.     





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