Code to Text Ratio Checker
About Code to Text Ratio Checker
Code to Text Ratio Checker is what indicates the percentage of the exact text of a web page. The code here represents the HTML code that is associated with each of your web pages whereas text represents the actual written content on a web page. If there are a lot of images or backlinks on a web page, then HTML code is likely to be excessive. Too much of the HTML code or text can result in excessive loading time on a visitor’s browser.
The Code to Text Ratio is a critical aspect of any website. It is true that SEO professionals keep debating on the issue and its relevance in terms of search engines. However, the code to text is in fact very relevant to websites. The written content on a website also must have relevance to the page heading because search engines rank a web page after checking its text.
How to increase this ratio?
Increasing code to text ratio means you want to add more text on your web page. As a webmaster, it is very tough to make each and every page of the website content-rich. And web owners use different techniques to compensate for this issue.
The first technique that is used to add content on a web page is to provide a commenting system for website visitors. It is recommended, allow visitors to post a comment without registration. Also, there are various social plugins available that can help users to post a comment without adding any additional information. The most popular plugins are Facebook comment box, Google+ comment box and Disqus. Any review posted by users is also visible to search engines.
The second technique is to create a forum on your website and show related threads on the posts where you want to add text. This will not only help you to get user reviews also website visitors will spend more time on your website.
Why You Need a Code to Text Ratio Checker Tool?
Our tool is helpful for digital marketing and web development too. Some of the advantages of a tool are-
1. Preparation of a user-friendly website
The main aim of every web developer is to prepare a user-friendly site. It has the potential of engaging most visitors. If the end-user isn't feeling any annoyance, then they will bookmark it or remember the URL to visit again. Whether it's only an educational or a working e-commerce site, the ratio is beneficial for all purposes.
2. Better page indexing
The crawlers of a search engine index a URL based on their optimized codes and text. If there's an annoyance for the bots to crawl, the rank will fluctuate, which is terrible for any web business. If you would like to maintain the website, its optimization with this kind of tool is essential.
3. Better user experience
There may be many online competitions in your market place. All are not capable of providing a fantastic experience to the users. For optimization of the UX of a Site, its investigation through the Code to text is essential. It becomes easy to improve the UX calibre to stand on top of the extreme competition level.
29 Nov / 5555 views / by Admin
3 Sep / 18130 views / by Admin